Let go. Trust. Receive.
Two Years is the eye-opening travel memoir by Max Tower (pen name). For years, Max worked in investment banking in Frankfurt, London, and New York until he started longing for something more meaningful in life and finally pulled the trigger to quit his job—or rather, ego-identity?
This initially unstructured break turned into a two-year trip around the world during which he transformed significantly. Each reader can go on the Quest for Money, Purpose, and Love alongside Max. See what he sees, feel what he feels, and grow with him.
It is a very personal piece containing many real-life examples from his journey. Ups and downs. Gains and losses. Insights and learnings. Eventually, Max realized what is really important in life and changed his priorities for the better.
A truly inspirational story at the end of which he found what he had previously lost, his guiding principle/north star in life: Supporting people in need around the world, spiritually and financially.
With this book Max hopes to achieve exactly that.

For Max, the reward from giving has become so much more profound than from taking. The shared emotions of joy, satisfaction, and love are among the key "profits" one can make this way and, in his opinion, are much more valuable than anything material could ever offer.
He has decided to pledge a portion of the sales proceeds for donations and charitable purposes, in line with his new guiding principle in life. As he wants to involve the readers beyond the actual story of those two years, each one of you shall vote on which specific projects to support in the future. Everyone is part of this enterprise now.
Max is still amazed by the flywheel effect and sincerely hopes that this newly formed collective will help as many people as possible: The more books sell, the more readers will find spiritual support, and furthermore, the more money will be available for financial support of others in need. Welcome to a new era of print utility and governance!
To see and vote on the pre-selected list of projects, please scan the book’s QR code or enter the passcode here – you will then be redirected to the voting page.